The Anthropocene Project is proud to bring a unique bilingual education program to teachers across Canada FOR FREE, in partnership with the Royal Canadian Geographical Society (RCGS).
The Anthropocene Education Program (AEP) includes incredible 360 VR films; educational short films, online interactive gigapixel photographs, AR experiences, and a large-scale high-resolution Giant Floor Mural depicting one of Edward Burtynsky’s photographs with related film extensions (part of a travelling school kit), and brand new content focused on the theme of “Plastics in the Anthropocene”. These assets augment specific teacher guides and lesson plans written by the qualified educators from Can Geo Education and linked to the Canadian National Learning Framework for grades 4-12 Geography, or primaire 4 to secondaire 5 in Quebec.
The program leverages the stunning audiovisual resources of The Anthropocene Project, and the proven expertise and distribution networks of The Royal Canadian Geographical Society to create a powerful and change-provoking experiential understanding of human impact on the planet for students in classrooms from coast to coast, ages 9 – 18. The program will reach more than 23,000 classroom teachers from across the country through the RCGS’s educational arm, Canadian Geographic (Can Geo) Education.
Le Projet Anthropocène est fier d'offrir gratuitement un programme éducatif et bilingue unique aux enseignants au Canada, en partenariat avec la Société géographique royale du Canada (SGRC).
Le Programme d'éducation sur l'Anthropocène comprend des films en réalité virtuelle à 360 degrés incroyables; des courtes séquences vidéo éducatives, des photographies gigapixels interactives en ligne, des expériences en réalité augmentée et un tapis géant avec une des photographies d'Edward Burtynsky qui inclut des extensions de film connexes (faisant partie d'une trousse pédagogique itinérante), et un tout nouveau contenu axé sur le thème du << Plastique, un indicateur important de l'Anthropocène >>. Ces atouts s'ajoutent à des guides pédagogiques et à des plans de cours rédigés par des éducateurs qualifiés de Canadian Geographic Éducation (Can Geo Éducation) et liés au Cadre d'apprentissage de la géographie du Canada pour la 4e à la 12e année et la primaire 4 au secondaire 5 au Québec.
Le programme tire parti des étonnantes ressources audiovisuelles du Projet Anthropocène et de l'expertise et des réseaux de distribution de la Société géographique royale du Canada pour créer une expérience puissante et stimulante qui démontre l'impact humain sur la planète aux élèves de 9 à 18 ans d'un océan à l'autre. Le programme atteindra plus de 23 000 enseignants de partout au Canada par l'entremise de l'organisation éducative de la SGRC, Can Geo Éducation.
Check out @CanGeoEdu for great educational activities and lessons.
Learn more about our planet - the impacts and demands we place on nature!
@anthropocene #teacherstrong https://t.co/zYpbEg6iNS— Alexandra Sorin (@mlleasorin) March 31, 2020
Educators, immerse yourself into the #anthropoceneproject - new educational tools just came out online! I can't wait to check them out!https://t.co/anWJKOkoOe@CanGeo @EdwardBurtynsky @anthropocene
— Alexandra (@mlleasorin) March 9, 2020
If you've got the Nov/Dec issue of @cangeo, there's an exciting preview of one of our #AnthropoceneEdu #AR experiences on plastics, right in the magazine! Learn more about the education program tomorrow at the launch event @50SussexEvents. @RCGS_SGRC @CanGeoEdu pic.twitter.com/jyEGExgD8t
— The Anthropocene Project (@anthropocene) November 12, 2019
If you've got the Nov/Dec issue of @cangeo, there's an exciting preview of one of our #AnthropoceneEdu #AR experiences on plastics, right in the magazine! Learn more about the education program tomorrow at the launch event @50SussexEvents. @RCGS_SGRC @CanGeoEdu pic.twitter.com/jyEGExgD8t
— The Anthropocene Project (@anthropocene) November 12, 2019
It's finally here! The much-anticipated #AnthropoceneEducationProgram is now live on @CanGeoEdu's new #OnlineClassroom. #AnthropoceneProject https://t.co/urSjgtCoHz
— The Anthropocene Project (@anthropocene) March 31, 2020
Excited about the Anthropocene Education Program? Be sure to register as a @CanGeoEdu Member so you're first to know about the latest updates and can get access to amazing materials for you and your students! https://t.co/t3lTKbEjMa #AnthropoceneEdu #AnthropoceneProject pic.twitter.com/DJLe4M2F9A
— The Anthropocene Project (@anthropocene) November 25, 2019
We're so excited to launch our @anthropocene Education Program. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks, and don't forget to join us tonight at @50SussexEvents where you can test out the immersive tech and attend a screening of the doc! https://t.co/vmDybUzEEb https://t.co/3YPu6irBWX
— CanGeo Education (@CanGeoEdu) November 13, 2019
Next Wednesday, Nov. 13, @CanGeo presents an exciting night with The @anthropocene Education Program! Join us for a cocktail hour to test augmented and virtual reality, hear from @nickdepencier, and attend a screening! Register for this FREE event now: https://t.co/DRRHXnykxy pic.twitter.com/LpHRDhnlbm
— CanGeo Education (@CanGeoEdu) November 6, 2019
TOMORROW our #OnlineClassroom launches featuring an interactive set of activities.
The #Anthropocene Education Project lets students learn the history and science behind how much humans have changed Earth's natural systems.
Plan on this for your Tuesday geography lesson! pic.twitter.com/84naUjVP4r
— cangeo (@CanGeoEdu) March 30, 2020
Familiar w/ @CanGeo's Giant Floor Maps? For #AnthropoceneEdu we've put a spin on it, focusing on #plastics, and including interactive #AR and film extensions! We're so excited for this (+ more amazing assets) to reach classrooms across Canada! Stay tuned! #GeographyAwarenessWeek pic.twitter.com/cNu8l34SjR
— The Anthropocene Project (@anthropocene) November 13, 2019
Anthropocene Day at 50 Sussex! NHS SVN3M got to attend launch of immersive education program much thx to Michelle &team from @CanGeoEdu and Nicholas de Pencier @anthropocene and his team for sharing this experience with our class! Available to order in schools soon! pic.twitter.com/ptYEqyqF92
— Claudette Phillips 🇨🇦 (@NHSPhillips) November 13, 2019
Probably the first group @CanGeo 50 Sussex to not focus on the river view! But the immersive tech from @anthropocene @CanGeoEdu project was SO GOOD!!!! Available for loan to schools soon!! pic.twitter.com/H2fbftD6TD
— Claudette Phillips 🇨🇦 (@NHSPhillips) November 13, 2019
So excited to have @RCGS_SGRC and @CanGeo partner with @anthropocene on this important national educational program – Anthropocene. @CanGeoEdu https://t.co/XwuBJpHR0O
— John Geiger (@JohnGGeiger) August 6, 2019